and Portfolios Visualized
EPM Pulse is a visual way to understand
real state of all projects in organization

Supported Systems:
Project Online
Instant access to
the latest actual
information on
projects and
Make decisions
based on the
true state of the
portfolio and projects
Ease of use,
self-service approach
transparency of the
project management
Very low
maintenance costs,
Low cost of ownership
Very short turnaround
time for changes in
dashboard and reports,
minutes instead of
hours and days
90% reduction of
development and
administration efforts
Security Overview
All the data access capabilities of Microsoft Project Online do not provide options for quick reporting. Sometimes we are talking about millions of records, and getting this information from Project Online every time delays report rendering for minutes as well as creates excessive load on Project Online infrastructure.
To secure your data, we implemented several policies:
Limited Data AccessWe do not access your data. All our administrative tools provide us all configuration information without accessing the data itself.
Data IsolationEvery customer gets its own database. There is no way that customers can access other customer's data
Secure HostingOur Microsoft SQL Servers are hosted at Azure but as well it is not available directly from the internet.
Data RetentionWe do not keep backups of your data since we can always synchronize it with your PWA. If you delete your app, database gets deleted automatically.